Tuesday 22 June 2010

Funny poem

Where would you find spooky frankenstein?
Hidden under my bed of-course!

Where would you find a dancing lunch box?
Hidden under my bed of-course!

Where would you find a shooting soldier?
Hidden under my bed of-course!

Where would you find a farting pig?
Hidden under my bed of-course!

Where would you a kicking boy?
Hidden under my bed of-course!

My diamond stones

Today I went to school and I found some stones and I smacked them open on the ground. When the stone opened completely , I found two halves and there were crystals in it. I was so pround that I found somemore stones and cracked them open. There were crystals inside them.

Toptip: You can find crystals and diamonds in flat stones.

When I was coming home from school I saw a tree with some type of fruit(I dont know what type of fruit it is). When I saw them I was about to throw stones at them so they would fall down. But I didn't. I threw the same fruit that had fallen down from the tree. When I threw the fallen fruit , it didn't touch the fruit because the aim was wrong. At the other side of the tree there were some branches sticking down which had loads of fruits. So I went to th other side and plucked fruits from the other side.

Some other friends were taking help from Harsh. Tallest boy in our gang. I did not take help because I was tall enough to reach the branches too. And it was really fun because we were sqaushing the fruits , someine in the gang said, its a kiwi.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Piggy mick and rosey

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister. The brothers name was Piggy Mick and the sister's name was Rosey.Whenever they were together, they argued a lot about anything. Once their mum became impatient because of their arguements, and she said , "Go out, at once you guys" After a while they reached a junkyard , because their house was very close to that place. Rosey said, "I don't to be in here for long because I am scared here"
"Oh, you baby!" said piggy mick. "You are scared of everything". And he went exploring further and further.

After a while Piggy mick called out, "Hey, come here , I found something. Its a tunnel!"
"Let's see what's at the other end".
"No, no , you shouldn't go in there. There might be gobblins or witches in there."
"Oh! you scared cat! I am going in and seeing what's in there" And Piggy mick went inside the tunnel.
She waited outside the tunnel. Piggy mick didn't come out. She was close to tears.She said to herself ,'I must follow him into the tunnel'
Rosey went inside the tunnel. It was damp, dark and very scary.
At the other end there was a big , big , big forest. And in the forest there was a fire lit. There was a little house behind the trees and axe hanging on a chopped-off tree. She went in the deep forest till she reached a statue. It was a statue of her brother. She went near to the statue.
She hugged him and began to cry. Very slowly it was getting softer because of her tears. Then her brother appered from the statue. They ran through the forest, crawled throught he tunnel together. They reached home safely.
Their mother said, "you are looking different , today"
Piggy mick and rosey, smiled at each other.

The End.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

my first tongue twister

Bouncy ben bounces on big bouncy trampolines,
if bouncy ben bounces on big bouncy trampolines,
how does bouncy ben eat his bouncy bananas?

Gulliver's World

We went to gullivers world on sunday with my friends Aditi and Aayushi. I went in Aditi's and Aayushi's car and we excahnged jokes and secrets. The secert was my class was best class ever for my teacher.

The most scary thing was the ghost house.There was a vampire on the table eating a live human and a devil was killing a small girl sleeping in her bed with an axe.

The exciting ride was a very big roller coaster.Its named as antelope. There was a very big slope, when we went down from the slope I thought we would crash on the ground. Me and Aayushi were sitting in the same wagon. we wanted to have another ride on the antelope. My mum , dad and abhi uncle were waiting outside.

All of us wanted to ride in cups n saucers. We spinned the cup so much that aaditi started to feel dizzy also my mum. We were the last ones to stop spinning.

In a boat ride we, me and my mother got wet so much. I had to change my clothes. We got stuck under the fountain. Our boat was very slow under the tunnel.

I ate a lollypop. When we were in the fossil dig , it fell out of my mouth in the sand. I covered it in sand.

I had 2 pancakes and ice-cream in the dino-dig. It was very tasty I ever had.

I went in the boat which came down the moutain. The water splashed in the boat and were very very wet.

We played a game in the maze of cards. The game rules were who ever reached the entrace of the maze without cheating , and the other rule was you cannot to the entrace from the middle of the road. My dad won the race and at last after the maze the gullivers world was closed as the time was over.

When we came home we made funny noises in the car.